Candidate Biography

Kelsey Hammond
Kelsey Hammond has spent her 15 years of life, devoting herself to the community in which she lives. Ms. Hammond lives with her beautiful family, on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. She has been active in the Kingswood Regional High School class scheduling, and in promoting the availability of advanced placement classes to students. Hammond is so passionate about this because she strives for excellence in everything she does. Her impeccable grades have earned her a spot in the National Honors Society. Along with her hard work in the classroom, Hammond also is involved in many extracurricular activities. She divides her time between performing in a band at Cate Park and improving her writing skills in Write Club, along with helping her peers improve their skills. Hammond also is an a key member of the volleyball team, starting varsity as a sophomore, and a swimmer on the swim team. In the free time of Hammond, she is a teacher and a youth leader at her church. She feels inspired by sharing her faith with her peers, and the youth of the church. Ms. Hammond cares about the needs of other people, rather than government spending. That is why she believes in minimum government, and maximum freedom.
Molly Erickson
Molly Erickson may just seem like your average 16 year old, and in many ways you are correct. Erickson spends her days on a farm in New Durham, where she has learned hard work and responsibility. She earns great satisfaction from a long day of hard work on the farm. But, Erickson is not just some regular farm girl, she also has many musical talents. She expresses her passion for democracy and freedom, through songs that she writes and practices on her guitar and piano. But, that is not where Erickson stops she is an honors student, much like Hammond at Kingswood Regional High school. The two have made a great team in the classes they have shared, for the entirety of their high school career. Erickson’s quality effort and grades in school, landed her a spot in the Congress of Future Medical Leaders and Scientists, a highly selective convention, in which only three people from New Hampshire were selected. But this high achievement at such a young age should not separate Erickson from the rest of the teenage population. She holds a job at a local grocery store, Hunter’s Shop and Save, and gives back to the community in which she lives, by volunteering at the New Durham Public Library. Erickson believes in liberty, freedom and justice for all, and that is why she actively promotes the idea of minimum government and maximum freedom.

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